Welcome to fathersfight.co.uk

Fathers F.I.G.H.T. (For Inclusive Gender & Human Tenets) C.I.C., is a dedicated consulting firm that provides non political support and guidance to fathers navigating the complexities in a variety of arenas: family law, divorce, finances, and child custody. Our mission is to empower, guide, and mentor not only Fathers but also anyone facing inequality.

To secure the best future, for our children.


Legal Representation

There are many agencies, resources, and services provided globally.  We can point you in the right direction. 

Co-Parenting Guidance

We offer tailored guidance on effective co-parenting strategies to foster a healthy environment for your children.

Child Custody Evaluation

Our team conducts thorough evaluations to assess the best interests of the children in custody cases.

Frequently Asked Questions

What services do you offer?

We offer consultations to ensure that those in need are on the right track, focused on the best interest of their children, and have access to agencies when in need. Mentorship, Mental Health support, co-parenting guidance, and child custody evaluation services.

How can I get started with fathersfight.co.uk?

You can get started by scheduling a consultation with our team to discuss your specific needs and goals.

What sets fathersfight.co.uk apart from other consulting firms?

Our unique focus on empowering fathers and prioritizing the children's well-being sets us apart from other consulting firms.

“I am forever grateful to fathersfight.co.uk for their unwavering support during a difficult legal battle. With their expertise and dedication, I was able to secure custody of my children and build a better future for us. Thank you!”

— John Smith

Contact us

Reach out to us today and let us guide you through the complexities of family law and child custody.


United Kingdom

About us

At fathersfight.co.uk, we understand the challenges that fathers face in family court. Our team is dedicated to providing compassionate support and expert guidance to help secure the best outcomes for children and healthy parents. With years of experience we are committed to advocating for fathers' rights and championing access to support, mental health, and most of all the well-being of their children.